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motor nuerons
Nerve tissue carries electrical signals that affect muscle tissue. Nerve tissue's function is to move and coordinate the way the body functions.

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Q: What carries electrical signals that affect muscle tissue?
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How are messages carries in neurons?

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Does a heart run on electricity?

Yes. Electrical signals to the cardiac muscle causes the heart to relax and contract.

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Not directly. Th spinal cord carries nerve signals to and from the brain. Some of those signals go to nerves that stimulate muscle movement.

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We know there is a link between mind and electrical signals in our nervous system, and that the electrical signals control muscle groups. The nature of the link between intent and electricity is pretty unexplored, but there must be an interaction.

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This is called action potential. Action potential is the change in electrical potential that occurs between the inside and outside of a nerve or muscle fiber when it is stimulated, serving to transmit nerve signals.

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What system in the allows it's movement?

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