

What cause neural tube defects during pregnancy?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What cause neural tube defects during pregnancy?
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Folate deficiency may lead to glossitis, diarrhea, depression, confusion, anemia, and fetal neural tube defects and brain defects (during pregnancy). via Wikipedia

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No, and taking Paxil during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and even death.

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Yes, I took Zantac during my entire pregnancy with my second child and she was born with major eye defects that have rendered her severely visually impaired. My first child is perfect and I did not take Zantac with him. The doctors have ruled out genetic defects as the cause. I believe Zantac was the cause. I did not have caffeine, drink sodas, alcohol, smoke, etc. during the pregnancy.

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yes, it can. That's why doctors advice you to not drink while pregnant. But to be specific it can cause complications during the pregnancy stage and or while giving birth.

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Rubella infection during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy may cause fetal death and more than 50% of newborns have severe birth defects.

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Yes, but this is not the main cause for all cases. Others can be genetic or birth defects during pregnancy.

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It can cause birth defects and is not used for abortion.

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YES!!!Smoking and drinking are two of the leading causes for birth defects and brain deformity and that's if they don't cause a miscarriage and outright kill the child during pregnancy.

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Isotretinoin can cause serious birth defects, including mental retardation and physical deformities. This medicine should not be used during pregnancy.

Can going into a hot tub or sauna cause a miscarriage?

Yes. You are not supposed to do that when you're pregnant. The web site Childbirth Connection writes, "If you are in the early stages of pregnancy, prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to neural tube defects in the baby."

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Anticoagulants may cause many serious problems if taken during pregnancy. Birth defects, severe bleeding in the fetus, and other problems that affect the physical or mental development of the fetus or newborn are possible.