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The USS Monitor was an important part of the US Navy during the US Civil War. The first monitor was built in New York City shipyards using the model & design of John Ericsson.

This ironclad was sent to Hampton Roads in order to support the Union ships helping in the Peninsula campaign. The warship was of unique design, (advanced in several ways )as it had but one canon mounted on a revolving turret.

The ironclad Confederate CSS Virginia, had all but destroyed, several Union ships, causing near panic in Washington DC.

The Monitor's mission was to confront the Southern warship before it did more damage. The battle between the CSS Virginia & the USS Monitor was a historical one. No other ironclads had ever fought each other. The battle resulted in a draw.

Soon after the Southern forces had to scuttle the Virginia and the Monitor later sunk in a hurricane. Thus these two ships never fought each other again.

The Monitor left a legacy however, as more were built and helped the Union navy in its Southern blockade campaign. Several monitors were used in the assault on Southern sea fortress, Fisher.

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Q: What caused the monitor ships to be important to the Union Navy in the US Civil War?
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