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Objects slow down when you slide them across the floor because of friction. With out it, nothing would ever stop sliding.

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viscose drag, friction and air resistance

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Friction !

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Q: What causes objects to slow down when they float on it or push against it?
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Objects float in space because there is no gravity to pull the objects down. While on earth there is gravity so it pulls the objects to the ground.

What opposes motion and causes moving objects to slow down?

concervation of momentum concervation of momentum 2nd Answer: Well, not really, no. Friction causes moving objects to slow.

What force can act against objects to slow them down?

Friction and Gravity.

What causes objects to speed up or slow down?

an outside/net force

Does water resistance speed up moving objects?

No, it would slow objects down. Resistance implies that the water is acting against the object's motion, slowing it down.

What causes something to slow down?

The weight of the objects or due to the force

Effect of friction?

Friction slows down objects by in some capacity rubbing against them

What type of force opposes motion and causes objects to slow down?

Friction forces.

What slows objects down in water?

ya mamma 2nd answer: that's not really an appropriate answer, but the answer to that is is it floats, the water, if it doesn't float, then I don't know.

Do objects float more easily in salt water or fresh water?

Adding Salt to the water increases the density of the water, and therefore makes it weight more per capita. This in turn causes the salty water to push down with more force then water with no salt, causes things that may not float, to float, and things that already float in normal water, to float higher in salty water.

How does a skydiver float?

The momentum of the diver with the gravity against the thinner air in the altitude and the position of your body cause you to slow down your fall.

A force between two moving objects that make it hard for them to move?

Frictional force exist between two moving objects that make it hard for them to move.Frictional force causes objects to slow down if force is not applied continuously to the moving objects. Frictional force causes some of the energy to be converted into the wasteful form of energy.