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That could be a sign of a very serious medical condition, black dots along the gum lines is known for gum cancer. Ask your dentist to take a look at it, and do it soon! Pepto Bismol can turn your tongue black and also your stool. It often scares the heck out of people. Pepto Bismol has an ingredient in it that causes this. It's used for an upset tummy, indigestion and diarrhea. This is the only cause I've found in researching "black tongue." If you have taken anything for an upset tummy or diarrhea then phone your pharmacist and ask them your question. It may well have that one ingredient that is causing your tongue to turn black.

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14y ago

Your dog must be a chow chow mix dont worry its not serious it just a type of thing with dogs most dogs have it I used to have a dog named duey that had it in the roof of his mouth

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Q: What is the cause of black spots on the tongue?
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What are black spots on human tongues?

Black spots on the tongue can be caused by various factors, such as oral hygiene habits, smoking, consumption of dark-colored foods or drinks, certain medications, and oral infections like hairy tongue. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you notice persistent black spots on your tongue to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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Chlamydia is not known to cause black spots on your body.

What are the black spots on your tongue?

There shouldnt be any black or any other color sports in your tongue... you should get checked by a dentist asap!

Black spots on the tongue?

In simple terms black spots on the tongue is a simple pigmentation, in other words the tongue it is simply colored for reason that can't be explained yet...Black spots on the tongue are common in people of color but has no effect on ones taste and or other capabilities through the use of there tongue thus being harmless however a condition known as hairy tongue is an illness of which comes from taking certain medications such as antibiotics, from smoking and from vitamin deficiency..... if unsure of whether or not you have black spots on your tongue or a hairy tongue condition you should consult your local doctor....below I have also left a link to a site that explains it in further details using scientific words and it also explains the hairy tongue condition in more detail.....

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White spots on the tongue is one of the symptoms of HIV. Rapid weight loss and a dry cough are also HIV symptoms.

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no brown spots on the back of the tongue shows that u are going to die in a day other signs are blocked up throats

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i also have black spots on either sides of my tongue... but didnt gather information abt it much.... ! but i am healthy...

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no that's rubbish