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If the blood looks bright red and is not associated with pain it is probably due to rectal polyp. Infection can also cause some blood to appear in stool. In this case blood is usually mixed with fecal matter and appears darker in color. Very hard stool can cause some damage to the mucus membrane and can cause bleeding.

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Q: What causes blood in children's feces?
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What causes red chunks in feces?

The food you ate.

Can childrens also donate their blood?

Yes, they also have the right to donate their blood.

What is the disease called if your dog has blood in its poo?

Blood in the feces is not a specific disease - it is a symptom that can indicate any of several diseases. In younger dogs, blood in the feces is more likely to indicate either intestinal parasites or a gastrointestinal infection. In older dogs, the odds of cancer resulting in blood in the feces rises.

What is wrong if a cat has blood on its feces?

It could be any number of things from worms, to infection, to organ failure. If your cat has blood in its feces, take it to the vet immediately.

What is another name of fecal occult blood?

It means blood in the feces that is not visibly apparent.

What are the clinical problems of occult blood Feces?

The word occult just means hidden. So occult blood in the feces means that it is there, but you might not see it. If a person tests positive for occult blood in their stool, it usually means there is internal bleeding somewhere. It could be from an ulcer, recent surgery, or cancer, among other possible causes. A doctor needs to determine the source of the bleeding whenever there is internal bleeding.

Who was W Lunde?

A Pedriactric Haematologist; childrens blood doctor.

What causes almond-like feces odor?

Cyanide poisoning.

What happens to worn out red blood cells?

They get out of your body by your feces

What is the difference between hematemesis and hemoptysis?

hematemesis : blood in vomitting or feces hemoptysis : blood in sputum

What is the term associating different colors of feces?

There are different colors of feces for many different reasons. Black feces indicates blood and you should see a doctor immediately. Green feces may indicate that you are a certain food dye.