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Weathering, specifically freeze-thaw weathering. If rain gets into the crack and freezes, it expands and pushes the crack wider.

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Q: What causes cracks in a rock to get bigger?
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What happens when water seeps into rocks and freezes?

It cracks the rock

How does temperature change erode rock?

If water is caught in cracks in the rock and it freezes it expands. This causes the rock to chip off.

What are some differences between ice wedging and plant root growth in a rock?

in ice wedging, water gets into cracks in rocks and freezes. As it turns into ice, it expands. this cause the rock to be pushed off. In plant root growth, the roots get into the cracks and grow bigger. this also causes the rock to break off. I hope I somehow helped you :)

How does freezing water cause rocks to weathering?

Water goes into small cracks in the rocks and then freezes. Water expands as it freezes and the expansion pushes outwards on the crack in the rock making it bigger. Eventually this process causes the rock to crack and flake apart

How frost damage can weather rocks?

Water gets into tiny cracks in rock and when it freezes water expands and causes the cracks to widen. Eventually the rock cracks and or pieces flake off, Over a long time this process repeats and breaks down the rock into ever small pieces.

How does water affect rock when it freezes inside the rock?

Since water expands when it freezes, it causes cracks in rocks when it freezes inside them.

What causes rock to break by freezing water inside it's cracks?

When water freezes it expands. This process creates pressure inside of the rock, which causes it to burst open from the inside.

What is the effect of water freezes in the cracks in rock?

The rock cracks and weathers.

Why do cracks in a rock get bigger if water freezes in them?

Frozen water molecules are larger and expand. In liquid form H2O is smaller

What is hydrochloric action?

Hey, Hydrochloric action is where a wave hits a rock and causes cracks. When a wave hits the rock, it isn't the wave that causes the crack, it's the air pressure trapped from the wave.

What is frost shattered peaks?

Frost shattering is due to temperature fluctuations. During the day when the temperatures are warm, water settles into cracks in rocks. At night the water freezes and causes the cracks to widen. Eventually this causes pieces of rock to shatter from the main rock, this is called frost shattered peaks.

How does frost wedging break apart rocks?

Water from frost or rain gets between cracks on a rock. At night this water freezing and expands. The expansion of the water in the cracks causes the rock to break little by little. This cycle is repeated many times.