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Community Answer 1

Concentrated Hydrochloric acid is produced by the stomach to aid digestion and eliminate bacteria and fungi. There is a valve, the cardiac sphincter, that keeps the contents of the stomach from coming back up toward the mouth. If this valve malfunctions, the acidic content of the stomach moves into the oesophagus, causing the sensation known as heartburn.

Chewing starts the digestive process by breaking the food into smaller particles. The food is swallowed and peristalsis begins (the bodies way of propelling food through the digestive tract) with rhythmic contractions of the digestive tract.The stomach contains very concentrated hydrochloric acid, which allow the pepsin to break down the collagen that binds meat together, this alow meat to be turned into amino acids so th body can utilize them. This same hydrochloric acid is the culprit when it comes to heartburn. There is a valve at the entrance of the stomach (called the gastro-esophageal sphincter) which keeps the food and the acid in the stomach. One cause of heartburn is malfunction of this valve. This leads to the acid corroding the lower esophagus, leading to the feeling of burning. There may be some specific foods and drugs (eg. hot peppers, caffiene, alcohol, aspirin, Advil, nicotine, etc.) which can triger heartburn. If you want to get rid of that feeling you could get an antacid. A common antacid is a mixture of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide, this will work quickly but will not last long. Zantac, Tagamet and Pepcid turn off the acid pumps in the stomach and work for several hours to give you relief. Be careful you do not confuse the feelings of heartburn with those of angina or a heart-attack. The symptoms are very similar, both can cause sweating and some shortness of breath.Angina can radiate into one or both arms (usually the left), the jaw, or shoulder.If no relief from symptoms from antacids, go to the ER, the sooner you are seen in a heart-attack the higher your chance of survival. Over-eating or eating right before bedtime can also cause heartburn, so avoid this. Persistent heartburn can mean a more serious problem and you should see your doctor.


Community Answer 2

Heartburn is usually caused by a build up of acid in your stomach and/or esophagus. Acid reflux disease GERD is a common cause of heartburn. If your having regular episodes of heartburn then contact your doctor for some medication to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach.

Also certain types of food & drinks can cause heart burn. For example coca cola, coffee, alcohol & curries can cause heartburn or worsening of symptoms. Heartburn can also be a symptom of a stomach ulcer.


Community Answer 3

There are so many causes for heartburn but most of them from unbalanced lifestyle and food. Here are some major causes.

  1. alcohol
  2. chocolate.
  3. acidic juices
  4. acidic foods (tomatoes, grapefruit, and Oranges)
  5. buprofen
  6. aspirin

For getting control over it need to follow a balanced diet plan with natural treatment using a home remedy or medicines from the pharmacy.

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6y ago
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12y ago

chocolate and sertin food can course heartburn.

i get it regually i just buy a packet of rennies (they work fantasic)

or just sip on some cold/warmish water while sitting or standing cus then it can get to the problem a bit better.

maybe write down a eating dairy then you will know what courses the heartburn.

i hope this helps


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9y ago

Heartburn is the result od acid reflux or the condition caused when stomach acids flow back up into the esophagus which is the tube that food slides through on its way to the stomach.

The body produces very powerful acids which are designed to break down the nutrients in food so that the body can absorb them. The stomach has a special lining which protects it against these acids but the esophagus does not so when some of the acid splashes back up into the esophagus it causes heartburn.

Heartburn is a result of this action rather than just what type of food that you have eaten although it seems to be associated with some foods more than others.

There is a muscle at the bottom of your esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter which serves as a type of valve. It regulates the flow of food into the stomach. When it becomes weak or for some other unknown reason it may relax and allow some of the acid to flow back up into the stomach.

This happens more easily when you are in a prone or bending over position.

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