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Hormonal imabalce, pregnancy, Birth Control pills etc. See your doctor for a blood test.

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Q: What causes heavy and light spotting 2 weeks before your cycle with cramps and nausea?
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Should you exercise after vomiting?

No ! I made that mistake , you should not exercise after vomiting as it causes nausea and stomach cramps.

Are period cramps different from pregnancy cramps?

The uterus is a muscle. It's the contraction of this muscle that causes both menstrual cramps and birth cramps. You can have uterine cramping at the time you would have had your first period after conception. If you have spotting after this time for your first period tell your doctor soon. It's normal to have cramps during pregnancy. They're likely to be from other causes -- stomach cramps, constipation, etc. You may want to mention them to your doctor at your next regular visit. ============================== I am 4 weeks pregnant and my cramps feel very similar to period cramps. However, the seem to be just slightly higher and a little more dull. They are also paired with nausea and breast tenderness.

Can you feel nausea before you period?

It is possible to feel nauseous before your period starts; along with bloating, cramps, irritability, etc.. the hormone changes can cause nausea and/or diarrhea, too.

What would be some ovulation disease symptoms?

Ovulation disease symptoms can include muscle cramps, intense spasms, bleeding or spotting, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, fainting, back ache and headaches.

Why are you having nausea and cramping one week before period?

PMS- your muscles are workin down there and that gives you cramps

If you have nausea head ace stomach and back cramps could that mean pregnancy?

Yes if you have cramps, backache, nausea and headache , these are signs of pregnancy.

Im getting pregnancy symptoms like nausea and period cramps when I dont get a period and I had this before but have implanon Is it possible?

Yes, take a test

How do you know when im going to get your first period?

Well some girls have signs before their period and before their first period. Every girl is different and some don't have signs but having signs means that your period is coming. ~Cramps ~Vaginal discharge ~Spotting (little bit of blood on your underwear) ~Headaches ~Backache ~Food Cravings ~Mood swings ~Fatigue ~Nausea

What causes nausea before a meal?

Low blood sugar. It can be an early sign of pregnancy

What causes nausea during a heart attack?

Cardiogenic shock causes the nausea.

Why do you get bad gas during your period?

I don't think it's gas, it's cramps. Cramps feel like gas or nausea.

What are the signs of pregnancy after seven weeks?

It is nausea , craving for food, cramps and backaches.