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Foods which are consumed on a regular basis that contain high amounts of cholesterol and fat causes plaqu . When there is an excessive amount of cholsterol in your body, it tends go striaight to both vessels and veins. This can lead to heart problems and other high risk diseases; espeially heart attacks and in rare cases strokes if the cholesterol build up in the blood vessels in your brain but that is unlikely. Therefore, keep your cholesterol levels at a minimum. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.Also plaque can be caused by blood clots or even dead muscle cells but this is caused when the muscle dies and happens much less often than plaque caused by cholesterol.

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14y ago

eating fatty foods and not exercising enough.

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11y ago

Cholesterol and fats like that like to stick to the blood vessels through hydrogen bonding. They take a really long time to remove.

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8y ago

The plaque build up will restrict or even block completely the flow of blood.

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14y ago

Cholesterol is the main culprit.

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Q: What causes fatty buildup in blood vessels?
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What is a buildup of fatty deposit within an artery?

The fatty material that deposits along the walls of the blood vessels is called plaque. Plaque makes it harder for blood to pass through the vessels.

How does eating fatty foods affect ones risk of developing heart disease?

Fatty foods lead to a buildup of plaque in the blood vessels and arteries which can cause blood clots leading to heart disease

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A collection of fatty deposits eventually affects blood vessels in the skin, heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

How can junk food affect human bodies?

When you eat too much junk food, the extra fat that your body intakes is stored. This extra fat causes fatty deposits to form in blood vessels, making it harder for blood to flow. This then causes the heart to have to pump blood harder, putting stress onto the heart. If this is your regular diet, more and more fatty deposits will form in your blood vessels, raising the risk of heart failure.

Atherosclerosis is what?

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which an artery wall thickens as a result of the buildup of fatty materials. Atherosclerosis results in a reduced flow of blood in the affected artery. Atherosclerosis can develop in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heat muscle.

What causes athermatous plaque?

Atherosclerosis is a buildup of plaque, cells, and fatty deposits in the walls of arteries that can get worst over time.

What is a fatty deposit buildup within an artery called?

Atherosclerosis is the build up of a waxy plaque on the inside of blood vessels. In Greek, athere means gruel, and skleros means hard. Atherosclerosis is often called arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis (from the Greek arteria,meaning artery) is a general term for hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis can occur in several forms, including atherosclerosis.

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Marrow, and it doesn't hold blood vessels, it makes them.

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