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I have watery black diarrhea , egg burps, and tummy rumbles. What causes this to happen?

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14y ago

What u have eaten or Viral infection

I have no supported evidence on those conclusion though

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Q: What causes rotten egg burps and constant diarrhea?
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Why do my burps smell like rotten eggs?

Sometimes burps may smell like rotten eggs if you have a sour stomach,

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What causes rotten burps?

Eating lots of protein.Recurrent "rotten-egg" tasting burps could also be a symptom of Giardia lamblia infection. Giardia lamblia is a parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine of humans, but is also one of the most common parasites infecting cats and dogs. Symptoms of infection would likely also include diarrhea, excessive gas, bloating and nausea. Usually the body will clear this parasite out on its own over time, but there are also medical treatments available.

Why do you have burnt popcorn burps?

If you're having burnt popcorn burps followed by vomiting or diarrhea, get tested for Celiac Disease.

What causes burps that have a rotten egg taste?

Sulfur-smelling burps indicate improper digestion in the stomach. The gastric juices may not be working effectively, which may be due to certain food combinations or allergies. Another possible reason would be that the food consumed is not sanitary.

Is having rotten egg smelling burps dangerous at any point?

In most cases, having rotten egg burgs is not dangerous. However, there is a rare chance it could be something serious. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the burps.

Will my rotten egg burps be gone in the morning if i have them in the tonight?

Yeah if you brush your teeth fool!

What is making you have rotten egg smelling burps?

i dont know i have the same problem and i wanna know why

How do you get rid of stomach infections that result in rotten egg belches?

Egg burps, sometimes called sulfur burps, are caused when your body expels the hydrogen sulfide gas produced when certain proteins break down in the digestive system. A loud burp is embarrassing enough, but when the burp is accompanied by the smell of eggs, the experience can be emotionally painful. There are many causes of sulfur burps. Fortunately, there are also many simple and effective remedies to get rid of it, like baking soda and Pepto Bismol.

Why do I have diarrhea while my farts and burps smell like rotten eggs also I am not sick and feel normal but fart more often and are stinkier than usual.Are the two linked?

I would say that you drank bad water, and have contracted a dysentery. Allot of folks call it jardia. I have used burnt toast, to get rid of it before.

What causes rotten egg burps and diarrhea?

Recurrent "rotten-egg" tasting burps associated with diarrhea could be a symptom of Giardia lamblia infection. Giardia lamblia is a parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine of humans, but is also one of the most common parasites infecting cats and dogs. Symptoms of infection could also include excessive gas, bloating and nausea. Usually the body will clear this parasite out on its own over time, but there are also medical treatments available.People who have had similar symptoms due to other causes have listed some additional ideas below:______1) Could be a gastric-emptying problem (aka motility problem).2) I have the same problem from time to time. Doc can't put his finger on it. I tried many of the prescription and more exotic drugs for stomach disorders and got zero relief. As a last resort I tried Bismuth subsalicylate and got IMMEDIATE relief. Yes Pepto-Bismol was my answer, as silly as it might seems.3) I suffered this burps myself as a teen and it wasn't until I was about 22 that I realised it was actually an allergic reaction to some of the food I'd eat. For example when I was a teen my mum used to give me swede all the time for dinner, I used to love the stuff but I stopped eating it and the burps stopped, I didnt think nothing of it until I ate swede again when I was 22 and the next day I had these burps which would last for several days. Used to be embarrassing at School cos I could not help but burp and the classroom used to smell of rotten egg. When I burped quietly I just sat by the window and burped out of the window lol

What effects does poop have on your respiratory system?

It causes frequent burps because of the air content in the bubbles.