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one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded followed by a tsunami that disabled the backup diesel generators.

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Q: What causes the Japanese nuclear reactor failure?
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What are the causes of the issue?

a nuclear reactor exploded

What are the causes of nuclear disasters?

Most nuclear fallouts were caused by mismanagement of a nuclear reaction/reactor (such as chernobyl), though the Japanese fallouts were the cause of a last ditch effort to cripple the Japanese in their efforts to aid their coalition, the Axis of Evil, to which our current president has often made mention.

What are the causes of Ukraine's environmental issues?

a nuclear reactor exploded

What does a nuclear reactor do in a nuclear power plant?

You rip apart an atom which releases great energy in the form of heat. The energy causes water to evaporate which turns a turbine. The turning turbine creates electricity. This is how a nuclear reactor works.

What are the causes of nuclear disaters?

A nuclear disaster would be the melt down of a nuclear power plant, possibly resulting in an explosion. A melt down is exactly what it sounds like it means, when a critical component of the reactor literaly melts, buckles or bends from the strain and heat, and fires are usually started as a result. This can cause other structural failures, which can ultimately lead to either complete structural failure or, in a worst case scenario, if the safety backups fail to trigger, the loss of control of the reactor, which may lead to the reactor exploding.

What is the Chernobyl nuclear accident?

A steam explosion followed by graphite fire that destroyed an RBMK nuclear power reactor, dispersing most of the radioactive material in the reactor's core across the Ukraine and much of Europe. The firefighters and many other emergency workers called to the site died from radiation poisoning. The causes of the disaster are complex including an unsafe design, improperly performing a test, repeated failure to follow safe operating procedures, having a manager in charge of the test with no nuclear reactor experience (his training was in hydroelectric power), etc.

What does neutron absorbtion accomplish in a nuclear reactor?

It is the absorption or capture of slow neutrons by the uranium nucleus that causes it to fission and release energy, so it is the essential factor that makes nuclear energy work

What causes explosion in fission reaction?

A nuclear explosion is caused by the uncontrolled mass fission of a quantity of fissionable material, and the explosion is the sudden release of energy produce almost instantaneously due to the rapidity of a chain reaction in weapons grade uranium (this is an example, being the most common fissionable material used in nuclear explosives), which must be at least 95% U-235 (the same quality is required for naval nuclear reactors on board ships and submarines, which are used for supply power to be used to propel the ship).Nuclear explosions can also occur when a nuclear reactor is not properly maintained, or there is a meltdown (the structural failure of some critical component of the reactor leading to a breach of containment, and usually fires and complete structural failure).The only differences between a nuclear reactor and a nuclear bomb are the level of enrichment of the fissionable material (which there is no difference in if you are talking about a high-grade naval reactor), and the control rods and other safety features which are used to keep the reactor under control.The other type of nuclear detonation is the fusion device. This resembles fission, except energy is released upon the fusing of heavy water hydrogen molecules. The hydrogen (or h-bomb) uses nuclear fission as stated about to start the reaction. Most if not all fusion bomb are measured in the megaton (millions of tons) range. Currently only the United States and Russia have fusion bombs.

What causes the japan nuclear power plant to malfunction?

The earthquake and the tsunamis it triggered. Beyond that we must await the failure analysis report.

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What causes engine failure?

There are four causes of the engine failure. The four causes of the engine failure includes engine overheating, lubrication problems, misassembly , and detonation.

What does a nuclear reactor use to make heat?

The way a reactor works is rods of a radioactive material(say, uranium),are put into a bath of water, the heat from the radioactivity causes the water to vaporize. The steam then runes through wheels, the steam pushes the wheels and the wheels turning is used to generate electricity. But the heat is caused by radiation.