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Air is put in with a pump or a compressor, either way it becomes pressurised to inflate the tire.

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Q: What causes the air pressure in a bicycle tire?
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When would the air pressure inside a bicycle tire be lowest?

When you are not sitting on it.

What does tire pressure mean in a bicycle?

how much air is in the tire

Why does air come out of a bicycle tire when you open the valve even if the valve is pointing up?

Because the air inside the tire is under pressure. Gas always flows from a region of higher pressure to a region of lower pressure. As the pressure inside the tire is greater than the pressure outside, the air always comes out of the bicycle tyre.

Is there a limit to the amount of air that can be pumped into a bicycle tire?

Yes there most certainty is a limit to the amount of air that can be pumped into a bicycle tire. Put too much air in the tire and it will explode. The maximum air pressure for the tire is listed on the sidewall of the tire.

What does a bicycle tire gauge measure?

ANY tire gauge measures air pressure in PSI.

How many PSI of air is in a 29-inch bicycle tire?

The inflation pressure is on the sidewall of the tire.

Suppose you deflate a bicycle tire by depressing the air valve Why does air rush out of the tire and After the air stops rushing out of the tire is the tire empty?

Air rushes out because it is under pressure. Once there is no longer any pressure in the tire the air will stop flowing out. However there is still air in the tire it is just equal to the pressure outside.

When you pump air into the tire of a bicycle what is the state of air in the tire?

Because I don't know what your teacher is looking for:At a pressure above atmosphericCompressedConfined

Why is it when you put air into a completely flat bicycle tire the entire tire expands?

because air molecules build up inside the tire and push the rubber outwards which causes the tire to expand.

What is the temperature of air in bicycle tube?

Bicycle tire inner tubes tend to have 10-15 psi of air pressure, so the air tends to be the same temperature as the ambient air temperature.

Why do bicycle tires lose more air in the winter than in summer?

actually bicycle tire or for that matter any kind of tire does lose air, the heat in the summer causes the air in the tires to expand. That's why is not a good idea to fill your tires to the max in the summer time.

Does the amount of air in a bicycle tire affect how far the will coast down a hill?

Yes. While there is more to it, the tire pressure is quite important to the rolling resistance of the tire. The higher the pressure the lesser the rolling resistance and the longer the coasting.