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Probably when the cat's claw was dragged across the road. The abrasive surface shredded the claws. Kinda like when a motor cycler gets "road rash" when he\she dumps the bike and skids across the road.

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Q: What causes toenail shredding on cats when hit by car?
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Most cars do not include cats, so no, it is not illegal to remove cats before selling a car. In fact, it's probably a good idea, both for the car and for the cats.

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abuse, not keep your car maintained. it can blow an engine. If the belt was replaced and then began shredding, the shim washer on the crank may have been installed between the lower crank gear and the block. The shim washer should be between the the crank gear and the crank pulley.

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Rolling friction causes a car to stop.

Why don't cats like apples on a car?

Cats hate an apple on the car simply because cats love oranges. Apples are way too hard to peel opposed to an orange. Apples are also a very unhealthy snack and cats know this.

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Cats can not drive cars. Cats are too small, do not have thumbs, and can not reach the pedals or brakes.

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stray cats were stray cats...but since they were afraid of dogs...I think that you must have one

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Girls are called cats. So u know that's why...........

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What car has a badge of a cats head?

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Do cats get sick from car rides?

Some cats may get motion sickness from car rides, which may cause them to vomit or defecate. However, this is not the case with all cats. Some cats may get agitated during a car ride without getting ill at all, and other cats may even enjoy the ride.