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In animal cells these are the centrioles. You may also be referring to the mitotic spindle which is present in both animal and plant cells during mitosis.

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Q: What cell component is composed of microtubles and helps move chromosomes around during cell division?
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What are chromosomes and genes composed of?

Genes are composed of DNA. Chromosomes are composed of DNA and proteins. Genes are the sections of DNA which code for a functional product (such as a protein). Chromosomes are the compact, tightly-coiled form of DNA. These appear before the cell undergoes division/replication.

Summarize the events that occur during mitosis and cytokinesis?

Interphase which is the cell division, Prophase where the chromatin condense into chromosomes, Metaphase where chromosomes align at the metaphase plate and Anaphase where chromosomes split and the kinetochore microtubles are shorten. This is followed by telopase where chromosomes get largely elongated and surrounded by nuclear envelope.

What are Microtubles that extend from the poles of cell to the centromeres during cell division called?

spindle fibers

Centriole is composed of microtubules and important for organizing the spindle fibers?

Centriole is composed of microtubules and important for organizing the spindle fibers that separates the chromosomes for mitosis or cell division. There are nine types of microtubules.

What are the dark staining rod shaped structures that are composed of highly coiled chromatin and found in cells undergoing cell division called?

Condensed chromatin

If a cell division has 64 chromosomes how many chromosomes will the new cells have after cell division?

if a cell has 64 chromosomes together, all the offspring cells will have 64 chromosomes each.

What is a thread-like molecule in the nucleus composed of DNA?

A thread-like molecule in the nucleus composed of DNA is called a chromosome. Chromosomes carry the genetic information in the form of genes and are crucial for cell division and inheritance. Each species has a specific number of chromosomes, and in humans, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes.

How does the arrangement in chromosomes at meta phase differ in mitotic division and the first division?

in meiotic cell division the chromosomes are not aligned in the middle like meta phase.

How many chromosomes does a human cell have before division?

64 chromosomes

In what process are chromosomes duplicated?

Chromosomes are duplicated in the interphase of cell division.

What division is sexual?

It is a division that reduces the number of chromosomes to half of their number before the division.

DNA coils tightly during division and assembles into visible?
