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Q: What cell organelle is responsible for carrying out the function of the photosynthesis?
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What organelle has the function of photosynthesis?

The chloroplasts.

What is a chloroplast and what is it function?

It is an eukariyotic organelle. It produces glucose by photosynthesis.

What is the organelle that functions in photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplast, generally storage granules or vesicles does the nutrient storage function.

Which organelle is responsible for transporting and packing materials?

organelle it was but its cool how they function but the answer is organelle

What organelle makes sugar through photosynthesis?

The chloroplast is responsible for photosynthesis.

What function does the chloroplast has?

It is responsible for photosynthesis. It gives glucose for plant

What function has the chloroplast?

It is responsible for photosynthesis. It gives glucose for plant

What is the function of the chlorophasts?

Chloroplasts are organelles responsible for conducting photosynthesis in plants.

What is the function of the eyespot of protists?

A protist's eyespot is a pigmented organelle that is sensitive to light, allowing the protist to move towards the light for feeding/photosynthesis.

What function are plant leaves responsible?

Plant leaves contain cells with chloroplasts which are important in the process of photosynthesis.

How can the external and cellular structure of a leaf assist in carrying out the function of photosynthesis?

the internal make up of a leaf isn't really complex the chloroplast is the main component in photosynthesis because it captures sunlight.

What part of plant cell is needed for photosynthesis to happen?

Chloroplasts, which are organelles only found in plant cells