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Being both an amine and an acid, of course.

Generally the term is used mainly for a specific type of amino acids... alpha-amino carboxylic acids. However, taurine is also called an amino acid, despite the fact that it's a sulfonic acid rather than a carboxylic acid.

(alpha-amino means the amine group is attached to the first carbon after the carboxylic acid carbon itself. In taurine, the amine group is attached to the second carbon after the sulfonic acid group.)

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Q: What characteristics of a molecule make it an amino acid?
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What does tRNA bring amino acid to the nucleus or ribosomes?

tRNA brings the complementary base pair to the mRNA already in place. The complementary base pair codes for a certain amino acid. So tRNA does bring the amino acids to the ribosome by bringing the correct code in the sequence to make a protein.

Why is the R group in amino acids important?

The R group in an amino acid are what make that amino acid unique.

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A single mRNA molecule has 3 codons i.e. 1 amino acid. The question is flawed and does not make sense!

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Deletion of just one nucleotide in a protein-coding part of a gene will cause a "frameshift mutation." Since the nucleotides are read in groups of three (codons) along the gene, the groupings will change and the protein that results is likely to be completely different.

What is the name of subunit structure of proteins?

The subunits that make up proteins in most living things are twenty different amino acids. Google amino acid at wiki.

Where in the cell do mRNA and amino acids on tRNA's come together to make a protein?

During translation, tRNA anticodons pair with the complementary mRNA codons at the ribosomes. Each tRNA molecule carries with it an amino acid according to its specific code. As each tRNA releases its amino acid, peptide bonds form between the amino acids. After each tRNA releases its amino acid, it is free to pick up another amino acid in the cytoplasm.

What is End Product of Translation?

A polypetide molecule of an amino acid chain. When amino acids bond they make a peptide bond between them and use dehydration synthesis meaning an H from the amino group in the amino acid bonds with the OH in the carboxal group of an amino acid creating H2O and then the water is released which is dehydration synthesis. When the amino acids bond they form a protein and the placement of the amino acid goes by the mRNA. So the final product of translation is a protein.