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Cyanide can give off a bitter almond smell, but doesn't always give off an odor, and not everyone can detect this odor.

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Q: What chemical gives bitter almond smell?
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It should be fairly obvious. It manifests itself as a chemical taste. Your pot will sometimes have a chemical smell aswell. Most obvious of giveaways is the bitter chemical taste. Legalize it!!

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Sight, smell, and taste all work together to protect the body. When we smell rancid food, we know not to eat it. Bacteria gives off proteins as it breaks down foods, which gives off a distinct odor. About the only time sight, smell, and taste fail to detect bacterial poisons in meat are the natural juices of uncooked chicken. Also, some true chemical poisons have no odors.

What does a almond smell like?

An almond smells sweet. Have you ever smelled a nut? An almond is a nut so it smells like one. An almond also smells plain. It doesn't have a strong odor.

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