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cholorphyl. … It takes sunlight and converts it to chemical energy, that is, food; at the same time the process consumes

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Q: What chemical gives broccoli its green color?
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What chemical gives broccoli their green color?


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What color is the broccoli?


What gives broccoli its green color?

because of the chlorophyll that it produces so that it can make its own food........

What color is broccolie?

Broccoli is a very bright and dark green when fresh and when properly cooked.

Why plants look green?

There a chemical, chlorophyll, that is found in most plants. It is important to the photosynthesis process and gives the plants their green color.

Why color of vegetables is green?

peas, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts

What causes broccoli leaves to turn yellow?

Because when the Chlorophyll molecules - that gives leaves their Green color - disintegrate they can't make the plant Green anymore - Yellow is the next color to appear and in turn vanish to make way for the Red colors.

What color plus orange gives you green?

grass green

What color is chartreuse.?

Chartreuse is yellow-green like the color of grass that hasn't been watered or of a broccoli's stem.

Is chlorophyll green chemical in leaves?

Yes it is the green color. It is a pigment

Which process is needed for chlorophyll to work?

Photosynthesis is the process needed for chlorophyll to work. Chlorophyll is a chemical inside a plant which gives plants their green color.