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they have a extra chromosome, a normal male is XY, a male with klinefelters is XXY.

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Q: What chromosome is klinefelters syndrome located on?
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Related questions

Does the Y chromosome in Klinefelters syndrome look like the X chromosome?

No. People with Klinefelter's syndrome have a normal Y chromosome and 2 normal X chromosomes.

I what conditions is caused by a sex-linked gene klinefelters syndrome down syndrome muscular dystrophy?

Klinefelters is sex chromosome trisomy. Down Syndrome is trisomy. One of the most common forms of MD is sex-linked and affects boys more frequently than it does girls.

Compare and contrast Turners syndrome and Klinefelters syndrome?

With Turner's Syndrome, the females actually have 1 less chromosome, not an extra one or sometimes only part of the X chromosome is missing. Klinefelter's syndrome, 47, XXY, or XXY syndrome is a condition in which human males have an extra X chromosome. While females have an XX chromosomal makeup, and males an XY, affected individuals have at least two X chromosomes and at least one Y chromosome.

What chromosome is Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome on?

It's located on the X chromosome.

On which chromosome is the defective gene located in Hurler's syndrome?

chromosome 4

Is klinefelter syndrome chomosomal mutation?

Klinefelters syndrome occurs in a male and it is when they carry and extra X chromosome having a total of 47chromosomes rather than the usual 46. Thus resulting in a chromosomal mutation.

How does Klinefelter's syndrome affect the person?

The X chromosome is affected, because there are 2 of them (and a Y chromosome).

What chromosome is Proteus syndrome located?

Proteus Syndrome more common in mails or females?

Can a male with klinefelters syndrome produce a baby without klinefelters syndrome?

First a testicular biopsy should be done to determine if he has any viable sperm. Some men with this condition do have some viable sperm in their testicles and if he does, in-vitro fertilization may be a possibility. However, if he does not have any viable sperm, then you would need to use donor sperm to become pregnant. Hope this helps.

Is klinefelters syndrome deadly?

Yes i belive it is ny g

Is klinefelters syndrome autosomal or x- linked?


What chromosome is gene located for marfan syndrome?

FBN1 or Fibrillin 1