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The 11th pair of chromosomes contains a gene responsible for normal hemoglobin production. A mutation or error in this gene is what causes sickle cell disease.

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13y ago

The 11th. See what happens is that during crossover an infected chrososome crossovers onto the uninfected therfor giving the opspring a 75% chance of getting the anemia.

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Q: How does sickle cell affect chromosomes?
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Is sickle cell sex - linked?

Sickle cell Anemia is auto somal. because it's chromosomes don't separate

Can changes in chromosomes cause sickle cell disease?

possibley, not too sure. Sickle cell is usually passed down though

Would a karyotype reveal the presence of a sickle-cell disease?

No a karyotype would not reveal the presence of sickle cell because karyotypes are pictures of all of your chromosomes, so it could show the presence of Down syndrome, but not sickle cell disease.

Would a karyotype reveal the presence of a sickle-cell disease why or why not?

From my own opinion:I believe that a Karotype would NOT reveal the presence of sickle-cell disease because a karotype only shows pictures of all the chromosomes in a cell..But sickle-cell disease causes red blood cells to become sickle-shaped. So, basically, it involves red blood cells, not chromosomes.

Would a karyotype reveal the presence of sickle-cell disease Why or why not?

From my own opinion:I believe that a Karotype would NOT reveal the presence of sickle-cell disease because a karotype only shows pictures of all the chromosomes in a cell..But sickle-cell disease causes red blood cells to become sickle-shaped. So, basically, it involves red blood cells, not chromosomes.

Would a karyotype reveal the presence of sickle -cell disease why or why not?

From my own opinion:I believe that a Karotype would NOT reveal the presence of sickle-cell disease because a karotype only shows pictures of all the chromosomes in a cell..But sickle-cell disease causes red blood cells to become sickle-shaped. So, basically, it involves red blood cells, not chromosomes.

Would a karyotype reveal the presence of sickle cell disease Why or why not?

From my own opinion:I believe that a Karotype would NOT reveal the presence of sickle-cell disease because a karotype only shows pictures of all the chromosomes in a cell..But sickle-cell disease causes red blood cells to become sickle-shaped. So, basically, it involves red blood cells, not chromosomes.

How many people does sickle cell disease affect?

million people have sickle cell world wide i think

How does sickle sell anemia affect a person mentally or intellectually?

how does sickle cell anemia affect mentally and emotionally

What are People with Anemia resistant to?

Sickle cell anemia comes as the result of having two sickle cell chromosomes. One sickle cell chromosome makes people resistant to malaria. Unfortunately when people have two sickle cell chromosomes they can get sickle cell anemia. That makes it difficult for their blood to carry oxygen and under certain conditions makes their blood clump. The disease can be deadly. Drugs can help. It probably makes that person resistant to malaria. The sickle cell trait evolved in various places around the world where malaria is common such as Africa and Greece.