

What city is at 48N and 53W?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What city is at 48N and 53W?
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48n and 53w relative is north of nova scotia, east of Quebec, and south of Labrador

What city is located at 48n 4e?

The coordinates 48N 4E correspond to the city of Lyon in France. Lyon is known for its historical architecture, vibrant food scene, and proximity to the French Alps.

What city is 48N and 2E?

48N and 2E coordinates correspond to Paris, the capital city of France.

find city and country with 48n 1e?

Paris, France

What city is located close to 48N and 82 W?

The closest city from the point is 44 miles away. A city named Timmins in Ontario, Canada.

What city is located 48n 2e?

Those co-ordinates would place you in the country of France... to the north-east of the city of Orleans.

Is square root 48 a rational or irrational number?

Yes, here's the proof. Let's start out with the basic inequality 36 < 48 < 49. Now, we'll take the square root of this inequality: 6 < √48 < 7. If you subtract all numbers by 6, you get: 0 < √48 - 6 < 1. If √48 is rational, then it can be expressed as a fraction of two integers, m/n. This next part is the only remotely tricky part of this proof, so pay attention. We're going to assume that m/n is in its most reduced form; i.e., that the value for n is the smallest it can be and still be able to represent √48. Therefore, √48n must be an integer, and n must be the smallest multiple of √48 to make this true. If you don't understand this part, read it again, because this is the heart of the proof. Now, we're going to multiply √48n by (√48 - 6). This gives 48n - 6√48n. Well, 48n is an integer, and, as we explained above, √48n is also an integer, so 6√48n is an integer too; therefore, 48n - 6√48n is an integer as well. We're going to rearrange this expression to (√48n - 6n)√48 and then set the term (√48n - 6n) equal to p, for simplicity. This gives us the expression √48p, which is equal to 48n - 6√48n, and is an integer. Remember, from above, that 0 < √48 - 6 < 1. If we multiply this inequality by n, we get 0 < √48n - 6n < n, or, from what we defined above, 0 < p < n. This means that p < n and thus √48p < √48n. We've already determined that both √48p and √48n are integers, but recall that we said n was the smallest multiple of √48 to yield an integer value. Thus, √48p < √48n is a contradiction; therefore √48 can't be rational and so must be irrational. Q.E.D.

What city has latitude of 48 N and longitude of 13 E?

None.Salzburg is located at 47º 48' 1.80"N and 13º 2' 39.88E .... which is about 14 miles away from 48N 13E

What is 3n2-48n 192 factored?

If that is + 192 then divide all terms by 3 and it is (x+8)(x+8) when factored

Which city is this 48N 122W?

That point is about 220-ft east of the center of the intersection of Price Rd and 171st Ave NE in Snohomish, Washington. That's about 9.4 miles east-northeast of the center of Everett, and 31.5 miles northeast of downtown Seattle.

What capital city is located at 48n 0?

Well the location is a little ambiguous or hard to figure out what location you want.But here is what I found for capital cities at 48N 0:TUNIS, TUNISIA 36 48 N 10 11 ETunis, is both the capital and the largest city of Tunisia.ROME, ITALY 41 48 N 12 36 ERome, is the capital of Italy.GEORGETOWN, GUYANA 6 48 N 58 10 WGeorgetown, is the capital of Guyana,HOWLAND ISLAND (US) 0 48 N 176 38 WHowland Island is an uninhabited coral island locatedjust north of the equator in the central Pacific Ocean.