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Proteins are the nutrients that are digested by the enzyme pepsin, sectreted by the stomach.

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Q: What class of food does the enzyme secreted by stomach act on?
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Why does walls of the stomach secrete hydrochloric acids?

Hydrochloric acid is secreted from the stomach because the enzyme pepsin, which breaks down proteins in the stomach, works best in acidic conditions. The acid also helps to kill any bacteria in the food. The hydrochloric acid is actually secreted from the pits in the stomach wall called gastric pits.

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What enzyme is in the stomach?

The enzyme present in the stomach is pepsin. It breaks down the proteins in food while in your stomach and helps with the digestive process.

Which digestive organs produces pepsin?

Pepsin is an enzyme in the stomach that begins the digestion of proteins by splitting them into smaller pieces. It is a gastric protease; pepsin is secreted in an inactive form, pepsinogen, which is activated by stomach acid. enzyme produced in the mucosal lining of the stomach that acts to degrade protein.

What enzyme is present in the stomach?

Pepsin is activated by acid in the stomach and breaks proteins -- including those in meat, dairy, eggs and vegetable sources.

What can happen if stomach fails to perform it's function?

Food enters the stomach from the oesophagus/gullet through a ring of muscle called a sphincter. Acid and protease (an enzyme) are then secreted into the stomach to start protein digestion. The muscular wall of the stomach also moves to cause the food to become a liquid called chyme (this is pronounced as kime).

A liquid secreted into the stomach to break down food?

guucci swag stoopid

What happen when food reached the stomach?

Food enters the stomach from the oesophagus/gullet through a ring of muscle called a sphincter. Acid and protease (an enzyme) are then secreted into the stomach to start protein digestion. The muscular wall of the stomach also moves to cause the food to become a liquid called chyme (this is pronounced as kime).

Is an irritation of the stomach lining an ulcer?

ya,because when the digestive juice which is secreted by our stomach and no food is there to act on it,it touches the lining of our stomach and irritate it

What enzyme does hydrochloric acid activate?

Pepsin, in its inactive form it is known as pepsinogen. Lingual lipase, secreted by lingual glands in the tongue, are activated by the acidic environment of the stomach and thus work starts to work after food is swallowed.

Where does your food begin to digest?

Chemical digestion of the food starts in the mouth. Ptylin is the enzyme, which is secreted in the saliva. Ptylin breaks down the starch. This process continue in the stomach till acid neutralize the ptylin.

Why is Hdrocloric Acid secreted in your body?

Hydrochloric acid - is secreted by the stomach. It's used to breakdown the food we eat, allowing our body to absorb the nutrients.