

What clothes do Amish wear?

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Q: What clothes do Amish wear?
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What are some characteristics of Amish?

The Amish don't believe in motorized machines, they wear plain clothes, women wear dresses and bonnets men wear straw hats also men grow beards but no mustaches, and women never cut their hair.

Can Amish girls wear makeup?

Amish women generally do not wear cosmetics or makeup.

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Do the amish wear bras?

Do Amish people wear hollister?

Many old and new order Amish youth wear Hollister.

What are some Characteristics of the Amish?

The Amish don't believe in motorized machines, they wear plain clothes, women wear dresses and bonnets men wear straw hats also men grow beards but no mustaches, and women never cut their hair.

If an Amish person goes to prison can they still wear their black clothes?

For a state offense, that anwer may depend on the state in which the which the prison is located. In federal prison, the answer would be no.

What do Amish people wear to their weddings and funerals?

Amish have limited set of clothes, so new clothes are good clothes, as good clothes get worn they become their work clothes. - So Amish do not have pair clothes, in general just for church services, weddings, and funerals. - What they use is their newest clothes, sparingly at first, for special occasions. - But even these good clothes, get worn and have to be replaced, with newly made or purchased clothing. - Clothes that are white, are primarily used for special occasions, as they dirty to fast for work. - Very few clothes are owned just for special occasions, as this is prideful, but it does happen.

What are wedding rules at Amish weddings?

Modest clothes and proper behavior.

Today you were at a Mud Sale and you saw Amish people with brand name sneakers and non-traditional looking clothes like sweatshirts over their clothing. Where do they get their street clothes from?

When Amish children are 16 years old they are free to dress and do what the want. That is why you see some Amish youth walking around in brand name clothes. When they are 18 they are free to get a drivers licenses and drive a car. They have a choice of leaving the Amish culture or joining the church. Must Amish youth join the church and get married. When they join the church they must give up all cars and modern technology and brand name clothes and dress like other Amish.

Do Amish schools have uniforms?

I wouldn't exactly call what the amish wear "uniforms." It is a sort of dress code, though. Each Amish community has a kind of rulebook called an Ordnung which dictates much of Amish daily life. Ordnungs are different in each community. In some communities, the Ordnung is as strict as to determine the type of thread used to stitch the clothing. When it comes to the clothing, only young children can wear more vibrant colors, like pink, depending on the community's Ordnung. When children get older the girls have to wear bonnets that their hair (in a bun) is "tucked" into. Women always wear dresses, and I believe they also wear aprons most of the time. Men wear pants and long sleeved shirts (depending on weather?) with suspenders. Men often wear hats, as most farmers wear. Married men grow beards. Women don't shave legs. The list goes on and on. If you want to learn more you can look up an Amish documentary on Netflix- more interesting than it sounds.

Do amish men wear underwear?

It's against the Ordinance for the men to wear underwear.

Why did the Quakers wear clothing that looks like amish clothes?

In long ago days, Quakers dressed plainly to differentiate themselves as simple people who did not put a lot of importance on fancy clothes, jewels, etc. Simplicity is one of the guiding principles of Quakerism.