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The southern colonies grew loads of rice.

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Q: What colonial region grew so much grain that people called it the breadbasket of the colonies?
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Which colonial region's society known as the Breadbasket Colonies welcomed a great mix of people encouraged religious freedom?

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How did the breadbasket colonies get their name?

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Colonial Merchants were people that sold sugar, spices, and other goods to people living in the colonies. A colonial merchant was very beneficial in forming the colonies because with out the merchants there would be no one to supply the settlers with there goods.

In what ways was democracy limited in Colonial America?

Democracy was limited in colonial America because of the colonial system. The people in the colonies had no right to representation in the English Parliament.

In colonial times patriots referred to people who?

In colonial times, the word "patriots" referred to those who opposed British rule over the colonies.

How did slavery develop in the colonies and affect colonial life?

Slavery developed in the colonies because people who own slaves would sell them and load them into slave ships and shipped them to other colonies.

What system of government is in the Southern Colonies?

The system of government is in the Southern Colonies was a colonial government. Each of the southern colonies had their own unique government which would address various issues which affected the people.

How did the developement of colonial governments lead to the American revolution?

People in the colonies no longer wanted to be ruled by the British Parliament.

Who is Criollo?

Criollo are people born in Spanish American colonies of European descent. The term was used in the colonial era.