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Georgia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.

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Q: What colonies were started by a proprietor?
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Was an important step toward self-government in the english colonies?


How Proprietor solved the problem of governing their faraway colonies?

I dont know,tell me

What is the definition of proprietary colonies?

a colony given to a proprietor to govern (in 17th century)

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Identify royal Proprietor and joint stock companies in the original 13 American colonies?

they were the foundation of the man

What do you think was William penns greatest accomplishment as proprietor of Pennsylvania?

By 1710 Pennsylvania had become the largest city in the colonies.

What slogan was created by the colonies when the English parliament started?

There were no colonies when the English parliament started.

How did many of the colonies get started?

If you are asking about the American colonies there were 13.

What is the 3 part government of the British colonies?

royal colonies, proprietary colonies, and charter colonies

William Penn started which colonies?


How did the 13 colonies started?

it was by john mason