

What colors do horse see?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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13y ago

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green is that because they love there food

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13y ago

They see all colors. The biggest difference between our colors and theirs is that the shades they see is different. Blue isn't as bright and yellow and white have a huge contrast.

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Basic coat colors of the horse?

There are only two basic horse colors - black and chestnut. All other colors are derived from these two colors.

Can horses see color?

Yes, horses can see color, but not nearly as well as humans can. Horse can see only a handful of colors, the others they cannot.

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Yes, typically a horse will be able to see a black or brown fence. Horses can see in very muted colors and tones, so the darker black and brown colors will look very dark to them, but green grass may have more of a greyish tint to it, which will help the horse see the difference. If there is concern over the horse being able to see the fence in the dark, you can always paint a white line on the fence or put up a string of white poly-rope horse fencing.

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What colors do humans see?

The colors that you see are the colors that are being reflected back at you

Can a horse see?

IF the horse is not blind it can see.

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Q: "How do you punctuate this sentence? "i see a horse do you" A: I see a horse, do you? That is how you correct it, or punctuate.

How many colors are on a horse?

Horses come in many different breeds and a huge variety of colors and patterns. There are three or four different variations of chestnut, bay, grey, roan, palomino, ect. There are dun, grulla and buckskin. These are just a few of the many different colors that horses come in. The genetics to produce some of these coat colors is complicated even for experts. But it is always fun and fascinating to study horse colors.

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All horse colors can become grey.

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