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I'm not quite sure, but if your wondering what color hummingbirds heads are it really depends on the type of hummingbird. If your looking for a specifif kind, as far as I know, all hummingbird heads are not the same color

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Q: What color is a hummingbird's head?
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What are Female hummingbirds color and male hummingbirds color?

Hummingbirds come in all colors and they are about 2-3 inches high.

Does the hummingbird molt as it gets older?

Yes, hummingbirds do molt. Until their first molt, the hummingbird has a thin tan or gray color on the outer edge of their feathers. This is most noticeable on the hummingbird's head. Female hummingbirds usually molt after nesting. Hummingbirds usually have one full molt a year.

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Hummingbirds have no sense for scent and flowers attract them by their colors.

What color is a hummingbirds foot?


How many colors do hummingbirds come in?

hummingbirds come in many shapes and forms but there color is there true beauty

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red and green

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White. No matter the type of hummingbirds their eggs are white. They always lay 2 eggs.

Why do hummingbirds like the color red?

No, they don't, but the bright colors attract them more

What is the best hypothesis for what color do hummingbirds prefer at feeder?

Because it's maybe the only color they see.

Are hummingbirds attracted to the color red?

Hummingbird feeders are red because many hummingbird-pollinated flowers are red. Hummingbirds see red very well but most insects do not, so red flower color is an adaptation to attract hummingbirds as pollinators and reduce competition with insects.

What color liquid do hummingbirds prefer?

Hummingbirds are generally attracte to the color red or bright colors. The best thing to get is one of the bright glass ones that shine brighter.