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if a man were non- hemophiliac and he marries a woman whois homozygus for nan-hemophilia,give the possible genotypes of the children

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Q: What color is a person with AAbb genotype?
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What is a heterozygous genotype for a dihybrid?

AaBb usually, but can also be AAbb or aaBB depending on what they ask you is heterozygous. To be heterozygous for one trait, it's AaBb. To have a heterozygous genotype, unless specified, it can be any of the above.

How many different kinds gametes will an individual with genotype AAbb produce?

2 can

What word describes an organism that has the genotype Bb?

The most accurate description of an organism with genotype AaBb is heterozygous. A homozygous genotype is aaBB and AA.

What are all the possible gametes of an individual with the genotype Aabb?

Ab and ab There would be about a 50/50 ratio of each.

An individual with the genotype AaBb produces four different gametes in equal proportions This is a demonstration of?

law of independent assortment b

A person with homozygous genes for eye color would have what pattern?

They would have a genotype pattern of EE.

What are genotype and phenotype ratios for the dihybrid cross AaBB X AaBb?

The genotypes of this cross are:AA - 25%Aa - 50%aa - 25%The phenotypes of this cross are:Dominant trait (A) - 75%Recessive trait (a) - 25%A ratio of dominant to recessive phenotypes - 3:1

Compare and contrast genotype and phenotype?

An organism's genotype is its genetic identity. The genotype is comprised of all the genetic material inherited from both parents. The genotype is what "tells" each individual cell how to function. The phenotype is the physical expression of an organism's genotype. For example, if a person's genotype for eye color is one dominant allele for brown and one recessive for blue, then the individual's phenotype would be their actual eye color which in this case would be brown.

If one parent has the genotype Cc for hair color and the other parent has the genotype cc what percentage of the offspring will have the recessive genotype for hair color?

25% of the offspring will have the recessive genotype for hair colour.

What is the phenotype of all four offspring's?

Generally, if the parents are heterozygous and one allele is dominant over the other there are only 2 phenotypes and 3 genotypes. Parents Aa can produce AA, Aa and aa offspring. If the heterozygous individuals have an intermediate phenotype, then three genotypes and 3 phenotypes are possible. If 2 traits are being studied using heterozygous parents AaBb then the possible Genotypes are AABB, AABb, AAbb, AaBB, AaBb, Aabb, aaBb, aaBB, aabb which is nine genotypes. But there are 4 phenotypes. AABB AABb AaBB AaBb are phenotypically the same. aaBb, aaBB are phenotypically the same. Aabb, AAbb are phenotypically the same. aabb

What is an example of a statement the clearly refers to a person's genotype?

B. Bill is recessive for height and dominate for hair color.

What is eye color an example of?
