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Q: What color symbolizes independence?
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Why is the color white included in the United States flag?

Because it symbolizes the white people that live in america.

What is madam Cj walkers favorite color?

Black because it symbolizes her black race as an successful African-American woman.

Which colored candle symbolizes the struggle out of slavery?


What is the symbolism of the American flag?

Colors have always meanings and they signify some symbols in flags. Different colors have their different meanings. Flags of every country and nation are of great importance. Want to have a clear idea about these flag colors? Check out the following list of information. You may also log on to Mapsofworld for more detailed information on USA Flag Colors. Symbolism of colors is really very important when it is related to flags. As for example red is the color that represents the symbol of revolution, courage, blood, life and spirit. Similarly black is the symbol of determination, enemies etc, blue symbolizes justice, freedom, prosperity and peace. On the other hand green is the symbol of fertility, agriculture, earth etc. Different flags of different states have different individual meanings. The flag of Arizona contains 13 red and yellow rays. They represent the sun's rays and also the 13 colonies of USA. In the middle there is a copper colored star in the flag. It is the symbol of copper mining in Arizona. In the case of Colorado's flag, the white part symbolizes the mountaintops that are always snow capped. Red color in the flag symbolizes the reddish soil of Colorado. Again the blue color symbolizes the azure sky and lastly the golden yellow color symbolizes the sun. Here the list doesn't end. Other flags of the other state also have heir own symbols and meanings. To know more about these USA Flag colors you may log on to Mapsofworld.

What document called for the colonists' independence from England?

Declaration of Independence.