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Laser pointers are available in red, blue, green, yellow, and violet (purple). Green laser pointers are the most preferred of all the colors because they are the brightest, most visible, and can be seen the farthest distances.

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Q: What colors do laser pointers come in?
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Are laser pointers as bad as laser pens?

Laser pointers and laser pens are basically the same thing. A laser pen is a laser pointer with a pen attached.

Are gamma rays used in laser pointers?

no , laser pointers emit a lower wavelength of radiation

Does laser have two colors?

Lasers come in a variety of colors.

Why laser mouse are used?

Because the laser pointers are much easier to use than the ball pointers. The ball pointers are often difficult to move around while the laser pointers can move in any direction without "getting stuck"

What are some common colors of laser pointers?

Typically they come in green, red, yellow, blue or purple. The least expensive ones feature red lights and the most common ones feature green ligths.

How often do people buy a laser pointer in this world?

Laser pointers are often very useful. People purchase laser pointers for business purposes and in order to play with animals. They can be very entertaining for cats. People purchase laser pointers as often as they need them.

Is there a green laser pointer for 10 dollars?

You cannot purchase new green laser pointers for $10. Most of the green laser pointers for go around $30.

Is a laser pointer a ruby laser?

Not usually. Laser pointers are usually diode lasers.

Can laser pointers get you kicked out of school?

Yes laser pointers can get you in trouble in school because they distract class and could hurt someone's eyes.

Can you change the batteries in laser pointers?


Who makes and where can you get the best laser pointer? has a wide variety of laser pointers.

What kind of radiation does red laser pointers emit?

Red laser light.