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The making of the secondary colour green does not involve the primary colour red. Instead, it involves mixing primary colours blue and yellow together, and to change the shade, adding flecks of the tone colour white (lighter green) and black (darker green).

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Q: What colors do you mix with red to make green?
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What colors colors mix to yellow?

Red, blue and green make yellow

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What color to mix with green to get yellow?

Red, green and blue are the Primary colors. They mix to make the Secondary colors, like purple (from blue and red) or orange (from red and yellow). Colors that are mixed from two secondary colors are called complementary colors. To get green you would have to mix blue and yellow, which are both primary colors; so green is a secondary color.

How do you make red out of blue green yellow?

You mix the colors together

What colors you mix to get yellow?

Red, blue and green make yellow

What color do you get if you mix red and green?

If you mix the colors red and green you'll get the color brown.

What colors mix together to make brown?

-yellow and purple -red and green -orange and blue

What color mix into yellow?

No colors will mix together to make yellow. It is a primary color.

What colors make the color brown?

just mix any colors together and you will get brown. for example if you mix red purple and green together you'll get brown

What colors do you mix to make crimson red?

you cant mix colors to make red. red is a primary color

Is green a primary or secondary color?

the primary colors are red yellow and blue. secondary colors are colors that you get if you mix two of the primary colors. if you mix blue and yellow you will get green. It is secondary.

What do you mix with red to get green?

nothing red, yellow, & blue are the primary colors which means you can't mix things to make them rather than you mix them to make different colors......doofy! examples: Yellow + Red = Orange Blue + Yellow = Green Red + Blue = Purple