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Red and blue with black webbing. Unless he's the other one in which case he's all black with silver webbing.

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Q: What colour is Spider-Mans costume?
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What colour is the daredevils costume?

its red

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It is black.

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What is spidermans acrhetype

What is spidermans black costum called?

it is called the symbiote spiderman

What is spidermans nationality?

The three of Wolverine , Spiderman and hulk are Canadians

Who is the guy who shows up after the credits in amazing spider man?

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Can you wear different colour pieces for an samba costume?

no you fcking idiot you can olny wear one color!

Where can you view Michelle Pfeiffer in her catwoman costume?

Michelle Pfeiffer is wearing her Catwoman's costume in Batman Returns. This version of Catwoman's catsuit was made out of black PVC. In the 1960s the suit was green in colour.

Why is spidermans mask red?

Because spiderman mask is red.

What is the colour of the costume that kick ass wears?

It's green. But due to the colour correcting in the movie it appears sometimes blue, sometimes green, and in the DVD version it's especially blue.

What does a spider tattoo on breast symbolize?

it means that u are turning into spidermans wife and he bit u and now u have a reminder on your boobies!!

What is fake gold made of?

Fake or fools gold is iron pyrites. Fake or costume jewelry can be made of many things which have a similar colour such as brass