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"cd /" will move the user to the root directory, assuming the user has permission to move to this directory, and the user has not been chroot'ed to a specific directory (which will cause "cd /" to move the user to that named directory, instead of the system's root).
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"cd /" takes you to the root directory. "cd" will also take you to the root directory, if your chroot is set to "/".

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Q: What command in Linux do you use to return to the root directory?
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How do you Locate the Linux root partition?

The root directory is indicated by a "/'. You can navigate to the root directory using the command 'cd /'.

Where is the Linux root directory located?

The root directory is usually /.

To move to the root directory use the command?

For Unix/Linux, use the command 'cd /' For Windows, you can also use the same command or 'cd \'

What is the symbol used to indicate you are in the root directory in Linux?

"/" is the root directory in Linux. Make sure not to confuse this with the "/root" directory, which is the home directory for the user "root" (similar to "Administrator" on Windows)

How are directory paths indicated in Linux?

The root directory is /. The home directory is /home/user.

What is root directory and how it is represented?

root directory is the top of the directory tree. it is \ on windows (or c:\ d:\ etc.) and / on unix/linux

What is the name of the Linux top level directory of the file system?

The /, or root directory.

What does CD means in Linux os?

If by "CD" you mean the linux terminal command "cd", it stands for "change directory". It allows you to move from one directory to another. It's basically the same as Window's cd / will take you to the very first directory, which is the root directory. (Do not confuse this with /root directory)cd .. will take you one directory upcd ~ will take you to your (currently logged in user's) home directory, which is, (/home/)cd - will take you back to where you were before you change directories.

How do you obtain root permissions in Linux?

su (will change user to root)sudo command (will run command as root)

What is var directory in Linux stands for?

Var directory is a sub directory of the root directory, The system writes data during process of its operation.

What command would you use to find where executable file resides of the system in Linux?

"find / -executable" will search the root directory for executables. Not that this will also show directories that are accessible.

What is menning sudo command in Linux?

sudo will run a command with root privileges