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This is a very broad question, many web design companies will make sites in PHP. Facebook for instance is made in PHP, although the have modified it a bit for their massive traffic!

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Q: What companies use php programming language?
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Why Apache use in php?

If I understand correctly it is because php is primarily a web programming language and Apache is a popular HTTP server.

What is PHP platforms?

Platforms for programming languages can mean one of two things: a framework, or a system. A framework for a programming language (in PHP examples include: Laravel, CakePHP, Symfony) creates a base for programmers to work from. Instead of having to develop a way to easily serve dynamic pages to a user, a developer can use a framework to accomplish this, and get right to creating content. A system a programming language runs on can also be called a platform (for PHP examples include: Google's App Engine, Heroku, Fortrabbit). The system where you run your PHP simply allows your code to run, though it may include custom PHP installations or extensions.

What is High Level Language Programs?

High-level language programming is usually a mixture of words or phrases of the English language. High-level languages have several advantages over machine or assembly languages; they are easier to learn and use, and the resulting programs are easier to read and modify. A few of the High-level programs are Ada, ALgol, BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, FORTRAN, LISP, Pascal and also Prolog.

How is PHP used in software development?

PHP generally is used to program the back end of websites. The parts that deal with databases and users/passwords, any program that stores information. It is used for most programs on websites today, it is completely server-side, unlike JavaScript or HTML which are interpreted by the web browser on the client-side. The server reads PHP which generally tells it what HTML or JavaScript to display to the browser. When you submit a form it may be handled by PHP as well. So for any sort of interactive website, or a site that needs a database or administration section PHP programming is essential. I may be slightly bias as I am a PHP programmer. One other thing, PHP among many other uses is also used for inter-changeable templates on websites, that is with the click of a button the website's template changes.

What does a PHP developer do?

PHP is a server side scripting language. PHP is used to develop web applications which has interaction between the Web Application and the Users. PHP developers write the programs (Server side scripting) to develop these web applications. The developed programs acts as an intermediary between the users and the web servers and database. For example when you purchase something online, say a book from or the order creation, online payments for the orders and upto the delivery of the items, all these transactions are done through the server side scripting languages called PHP. And PHP developers develop this type of websites and applications. Note: The websites given - and may use a different Server Side Scripting languages than PHP and just for a example and user reference it is given above.

Related questions

Can i use php without a php admin or account?

Yes, you can use PHP without any admin account. It is a programming language you can install on any computer and does not have accounts inherently.

Why Apache use in php?

If I understand correctly it is because php is primarily a web programming language and Apache is a popular HTTP server.

Why we use php?

PHP is a web programming language . It is majorly used in web applications. \ It is used for creating dynamic webpages that interact with the user . PHP offers many advantages; it is fast, stable, secure, easy to use and open source

Which programming language is easier to learn. php or net and how long it'll take to learn?

PHP is simpler and also better, personally i recommend you to learn php. First thing you should know about programming is it never ends.. Everyday programmers develops new functions/classes and also availabilities of programming languages increases.. What you need to start is learning basic and default codes which comes with php engine. Download PHP Engine from: Then use to learn php after that to extend your knowledge use to find out what functions exists and how you should use them. If you do what i told you, after a month you will become a programmer, if you already know another programming language i believe you can learn php in a week. Keep it in mind before starting PHP you should know HTML which can be learn by same site (

What is the main use of php than other programming languages?

PHP is used mainly to help create dynamically generated website pages. It is a script language running on a server. PHP programs are not compiled as executable files.

How long does it takes to learn PHP?

It varies depending on your previous experience with programming/scripting, HTML, and such, but generally PHP is considered quite an easy language to learn. But as any language, it may be easy to learn to use it, but hard to learn to use it the right way.

How can one easily style a PHP code?

There are many ways that one could style a PHP code. One would first have to learn how to properly format PHP coding and use the C++ programming language to make it look nice.

Can you use WordPress software to create a PHP website?

Well, Wordpress is written in (primarily) PHP, so any blog or website powered by Wordpress is technically a PHP based site, even though Wordpress also has some Javascript and other stuff in there.

What are the easy tips to learn programming language?

Well, whatever you do, you'll have to learn. The easiest way to learn some basics is to use a high level programming language such as, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Python etc.. (very long list).

Programming language used to develop web-based application?

You can use php, asp, jsp or cgi. Among these, php is more easier and flexible to use with databases and for making dynamic web sites. If you want an IDE you can use ASP.NET in microsoft visual studio.

What are the primary reasons for using PHP programming services?

There are many reasons to use PHP programming services. Some reasons are hundreds of existing php code examples, free, experienced support from a 1000 php communities, and php is scalable to the largest web applications.

Which sign is used to concatenate two strings?

That depends on the programming language. Most languages use the "+" sign, but a few use other signs. For example, PHP uses the dot.