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A relay

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Q: What component is used in atrucks electrical circuit to convert electromagnetic energy into mechanical movement?
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How electromagnetism generates rotary movement?

if a component has an electrical connection and movement is created by or within the component, then that component will use an electromagnet. Devices such as relays, solenoids and motors, use electromagnets to create movement. Ignition coils and transformers use electromagnetic induction to raise or lower voltage outputs

How do you know the wave is a mechanical wave?

Basically, "mechanical wave" means that the wave involves actual movement of matter - as in a water wave or sound wave - as opposed to waves that consist of electrical currents, or electromagnetic waves.

What is a device that transforms electrical energy into movement or mechanical movement?

An electrical motor, or in more general terms an actuator

What is the name for an electrical load that converts electrical energy into movement?

The Motor converts electrical into mechanical energy

Why electricfan is an mechanical energy?

An electric fan is not "an mechanical energy". An electric fan converts electrical energy into mechanical energy (the movement of the fan blades, and hence, the movement of the air).

How does electrical resistance affect the movement of charges?

It acts like friction in mechanical systems.

What energy conversion happens in an fan?

fan converts electric energy into magnetic and further mechanical energy

How can mechanical energy can be converted into electricity?

That is what an electric motor does. A relay also does this, as does a big lifting electromagnet in a junkyard.

What is Mechanical Movement?

mechanical movement is nothing but movement of mechanical branch from lower position to the lowest position...

What is a common use of mechanical energy?

Mechanical energy is used in generators to create electrical energy. It is used in manual labor, and anything that requires movement such as levers and rope-and-pulley systems.

Is it possible to transmit electricity as electromagnetic waves?

Well, when you transmit something as an electromagnetic wave, it is no longer an electric current, since an electromagnetic wave doesn't involve movement of charges. However, you can convert electrical energy into an electromagnetic wave, transfer that, and then convert it back to an electric current at the receiving end.

How electrical energy produce?

Usually it is produced from mechanical energy (movement), by a cable moving in a magnetic field. This will produce a voltage in the wire.