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In some case, distal pancreatectomies may also lead to pancreatic insufficiency, depending on the patient's general health condition before surgery and on the extent of pancreatic tissue removal.

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A total pancreatectomy leads to a condition called pancreatic insufficiency, because food can no longer be normally processed with the enzymes normally produced by the pancreas.

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Q: What condition may develop in a distal pancreatectomy patient after surgery?
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Whats the cpt code for a patient undergoing surgery for a total pancreatectomy?

The CPT Codes for subtotal or total pancreatectomy is 48160.

What is the mortality rate for patients undergoing pancreatectomy procedures?

The mortality rate for patients undergoing pancreatectomy procedures can vary depending on the type and complexity of the procedure, as well as the overall health and condition of the patient. However, the mortality rate is generally considered to be around 2-5%.

What is the purpose of the pre-op testing done on a pancreatectomy patient?

Such tests are required to establish a correct diagnosis for the pancreatic disorder and in the planning the surgery.

Why is a pancreatectomy patient with cancer given radiation or chemotherapy prior to surgery?

This treatment is aimed at shrinking the tumor, which will improve the chances for successful surgical removal.

What aftercare does a pancreatectomy patient receive?

After surgery, patients experience pain in the abdomen and are prescribed pain medication. Follow-up exams are required to monitor the patient's recovery and remove implanted tubes.

What general questions should a patient ask his surgeon prior to a pancreatectomy?

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How long does a pancreatectomy take?

Pancreatectomy is major surgery. Therefore, extended hospitalization is usually required with an average hospital stay of two to three weeks.

What is done to help a pancreatectomy patient who is undernourished?

Since many patients with pancreatic cancer are undernourished, appropriate nutritional support, sometimes by tube feedings, may be required prior to surgery.

How is post-operative bleeding treated in pancreatectomy patients?

In cases of postoperative bleeding, the patient may be returned to surgery to find the source of hemorrhage, or may undergo other procedures to stop the bleeding.

Why is radiation therapy sometimes applied during a pancreatectomy?

Radiation therapy may also be applied during the surgery (intraoperatively) to improve the patient's chances of survival, but this treatment is not yet in routine use.

What is the technique called when only one large incision is used for a pancreatectomy?

A pancreatectomy can be performed through an open surgery technique, in which case one large incision is made.

What is treatment of a condition without surgically opening the patient?

Medical treatment is treatment of a condition without surgery.