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The world of democracy was referred to as the "free world", and the communist countries were referred to as, "communist countries". The leaders of those two factions, were referred to as the "super-powers." The super-powers were the United States, and to a lesser degree, Great Britain and France, representing the free world. The super-powers representing the communist nations were, The Soviet Union (Russia) and Red China (Communist China). There was NO war going on between these it was called a "cold war." The communist super-powers were supporting a smaller country to fight in their place, and that was North Vietnam. This fight (war) was "HOT". "Hot" meaning real bullets and bombs, real killing, and real buildings being destroyed. In a "cold war" no one gets hurt, no buildings are damaged, real bullets are not used (blanks are used during manuevers). The allies, consisting of the US, South Vietnam, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and the Philippines were fighting (in a "Hot") war against North Vietnam and the Viet Cong (VC-communists living in South Vietnam), who were SUPPLIED with aircraft, tanks, AK-47's, artillery, Surface to Air Missiles (SAM's), patrol boats, etc. from the Communist Super-Powers of the Soviet Union & Red China.

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8y ago

The answer could be either the KOREAN WAR (if the combatants are the Democratic Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea) or the VIETNAM WAR (if the combatants are the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of Vietnam). It would require more information to figure out which country is being specified.

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Q: What conflict was fought between the democratic republic of this country - and its communist allies - and the republic of this country and its allies namely the US?
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