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The Portuguese have explored all continents but Antarctica.

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Q: What continents were explored by Portuguese?
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What continents did the europeans explore?

They explored all continents including Antarctica. They explored Antarctica in the 1900s and explored the rest of the world in 1600s and 1700s. They continents they knew least about were the Americas, Oceania, and Antarctica.

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Which continents were left untouched by European explorers?

Europeans have explored every continent. Europeans never truly explored the continents until the First Age of Imperialism, where they mainly explored the Americas. Europeans never explored the interior of Africa because of its dense jungle areas until the Second Age of Imperialism, where they also explored Asia, Australia & Oceania, and even Antarctica.

What year did the Portuguese explore west Africa?

The Portuguese explorers explored in the 1400. They were in search of both slave labor and gold.

Based on mondern demographic information Mexico was explored by the Portuguese and the French true or false?

False; it was explored and ultimately conquered by Spanish conquistadors.

What did Bartolomeu Dias explore?

Dias was a portuguese explorer who explored the southern tip of Africa

What countries did Portugal explore in west Africa?

The Portuguese explored Ghana, Mali, and Songhai

How did the North and South American continents get settled?

Spanish, Portuguese, English and French colonized these continents during the Age of Discovery

What three continents is Portuguese an official language?

Africa-nations of Angola, Mozembique speak PortugueseSouth America-Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking populationEurope-Portugal, the original speakers of PortugueseAsia-Technically East Timor, speaks portuguese, so technically there are four continents whcih has Portuguese set as an official language

Did the Portuguese treat natives well when the explored and claimed?

No, the Portuguese enslaved the natives and spread diseases among them. Unfortunately most of the natives under the Portuguese and Spanish Empires died because of poor treatment.

Portuguese explored who's crew first sailed around the world?

i think it was jacquez