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they invented algebra; Arabic numerals.... perfected the Greek astrolabe; realized the earth was round.

Answ2. Eratosthenes, about 200 BCE, had measured the circumference of the earth, and depending whether you think he used a Greek Stadion or an Egyptian one, his answer was within 16% or within 1% of the true value. A remarkable achievement. [He of Eratosthenes sieve.]

The Babylonians from about the same era, though they used a sexagesimal numbering system, nevertheless had the concept of marking a space for what we call Zero.

The Greeks had real trouble with this concept, for their system was dominated by logical argument and ratios, and they had no concept of zero. For 'why would you have a name for something that didn't exist'.

The Hindi (India) on the other hand considered in their philosophy that the state of 'non-being', of nothing; had great merit and is one of the objects of some of their meditation. Their derivation of the concept was rather like "leave a space" for which the Arabs adopted the name sith from which we obtain our word cipher.

The numerals and their shapes may easily be traced back to the Cuneiform of the Babylonians.

The Arab who were herders, had plenty of time to study the stars, and many of our stars thus have Arab names.

The algebraic manipulations we have are based on improvements made by the Arabs to earlier Indian (Hindi) methods. For the Arab were great traders, and needed methods of reckoning.

And, the Maya of Mesoamerica also invented zero independently, but once again this may have been of the form "leave a space".

AND they invented time travel! Look carefully at the question and the dates. Many of these things were accomplished long before Islam was even around. Also, it appears that many of the advances made by Islamic mathematicians and scientist were during a short term of "tolerance" within the faith which disappeared in latter years. As time progressed, progress came in spite of the influence of the Islamic faith not because of it. In all fairness, that last statement could also apply to segments of Catholic history.

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11y ago

Muslim traders picked up the use of the number zero from scholars in India, and brought it to Europe (which then gave all the credit to the Muslims, calling the new number system Arabic numerals). Muslim alchemists made significant advances in what eventually became the science of chemistry, and Muslim astrologers made significant advances in what would eventually become the science of astronomy. Many important works of classical literature and scholarship were preserved by Muslims past the time when they had been lost by Europeans.

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Muslim contributed many things in math and science, like numbers that we are using and others.

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