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pacemaker controlls the heart beat and etc

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Q: What controls the automatic functions or breathing and heart rate?
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What part of the brain controls the automatic functions of breathing and heart rate?

medulla oblongata

An automatic nerve response?

The automatic nerve response is from the system which controls the involuntary autonomous functions of the body. Breathing and heart beats are examples of these.

Why does the heart keeps pumping?

The heart runs on an automatic system just as breathing does. The heart's built-in electrical system controls the speed of its pumping. The electrical impulse originates in the sinus node which functions as the heart's natural pacemaker.

Which part of the brain function of the breathing and heart rate?

The brain stem controls these functions

Which part of the brain control certain automatic functions such as the regulation of breathing and heart rate?


What functions does the brain control?

It has many functions such as sleeping, your heart rate and many others functions. It also controls and regulates your breathing as well as your eating habits.

What is the hindbrain functions?

controls basic functions such as breathing, heart rate, & blood pressure The hindbrain includes the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata.

What organ controls your heartbeat and breathing?

The heart controls the heart beat and the lungs control breathing

Why is the medulla important to the body?

The medulla is so important to the body because it controls vital autonomic functions, actions that we can't control. It controls functions such as breathing, heart rate, blood vessel diameter, etc.

What controlled your heartbeat and breathing?

The heart controls the heart beat and the lungs control breathing

What is the function of Hindbrain?

controls basic functions such as breathing, heart rate, & blood pressure The hindbrain includes the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata.

Does medulla oblongata control reflexes?

The medulla oblongata controls heart rate and respiration.Controlling essential body functions like heartbeat and breathing.