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If you are diabetic and you inject yourself in your thigh(s),scar tissue can build up leaving a hard lump there.

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Q: What could a hard lump on the side of your thigh mean?
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Bruises mean that some capillaries broke, and they bled under the skin. The hard lump is most likely from the bleeding. As the bruise fades away, the lump should go away with it.

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A soft, non-painful lump in a dog's neck could be a lipoma, or fatty tumor. It can also be a cyst that a veterinarian can drain.

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A lump on the skin could mean a variety of things. It could be a spot, a wart, a cyst or a variety of other things. If you have a lump in your skin, the best person to see in your GP, who will then refer you on to a dermatologist if need be.

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It could be a glandular problem, or simply a fatty lump - HOWEVER - if you're worried, see your doctor !

Is it normal when someone touches your thigh and the testicle on that side like tingles?

it could mean that you a erection but other than that no.