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It is impacted wisdom teeth or partially impacted wisdom teeth. By ear symptoms I assume you mean ear ache. I am going through these exact symptoms at the moment. Accompanied by head aches, neck and Back pain, swollen neck lymph nodes and of course pain/swelling/redness in the back of the mouth where the impacted wisdom teeth are.

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Q: What could cause headaches with facial twitching and ear symptoms?
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Can headaches cause twitching?

Yes, eye twitching and migraine headaches often occur together. Sometimes eye twitches can be a sign of an impending migraine.

Can TMJ cause facial and eye twitching?

Fackin right it can i have big balls

Does Fever cause headaches?

Fevers do not cause headaches directly. Generally speaking (with the exception of true migraines), both fevers and headaches are symptoms of underlying problems.

Can you get forgetful and headaches from gas leak?

Carbon Monoxide can cause the symptoms of vomiting, headache and dizziness.

What causes facial twitching?

Here are some conditions that cause facial tics: anxiety Tourette's Syndrome certain medications A magnesium deficiency is also suspected of causing facial tics.

Does proprioception deficit cause muscle twitching?

yes it does cause muscle twitching

What would cause twitching of the eye for nearly 15 hours?

Anything that has caused damage to the optic or facial nerves around the eye. It can also be caused by tiredness. If you have consumed anything prior to this, or have suffered any injuries, these can cause these symptoms.

Can eating fish cause headaches?

Yes, fish can cause headaches (and/or other symptoms) if you have allergy or food intolerance. Many people have food allergies or intolerance without being aware of it. I get headaches after eating some fish but not others.

What could cause twitching in your sleep?

Twitching in your sleep can be caused by:StressTirednessEye strainCaffeineAlcoholDry eyesNutritional imbalancesAllergies

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Typically neurological problems will cause head twitching in children. This twitching could be helped or cured by certain prescribed medications.

Can underactive thyroid cause facial swelling?

An underactive thyroid gland is commonly referred to as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can cause several symptoms including fatigue, forgetfulness, constipation, weight gain, water retention, as well as facial puffiness or swelling.