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Q: What could happen to the insects if pesticides killed the mice?
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What kind of run-off are pesticides in?

Many different types of situations could have run-offs of pesticides. Most of these are found on farms when they are sprayed to reduce the amounts of insects in the soil.

Are pesticides used to make plants grow?

hmmm. Sort of. Pesticides are used to allow plants to survive the onslaught of insects that would otherwise kill the plant of leave it to weak to bear reasonable fruit. Pesticides are also used to kill insects that carry disease. When DDT was made illegal, for example, malria cases increased because we could not control insects as well.

Is the use of man made fertilizers and pesticides a good thing for agriculture?

No, the use of man made fertlizers and pesticides are not a good thing for agriculture

Could insects breeding happen in third world countries?

Yes. Insects breed wherever they are found. The status of the nation they are in does not affect this.

Should chemical pesticides be banned?

Chemical pesticides harm the ecosystem, the environment, and could be harmful to humans; however, without them, we would not be able to produce enough food for the current population. The best alternative is to put more energy into finding natural pesticides (such as garlic oil) which don't harm the environment, but keep insects from ruining the crops, and to make those natural pesticides available before banning chemical pesticides.

What could happen if insects use acid on people?

Well, lets be serious here, formic and carminic acids ( the most commonly used acids within insects) are only dangerous to other insects, as we have some small traces of these in our stomachs which makes us immune to there dangers. And anyway, when have you been killed by a bee or wasp sting?!?

What might be one negative result of growing this specific GMO?

The insects could grow resistant to the pesticide in the genetically-modified corn and become immune to regular pesticides.

What could happen if you hurt a cat in ancient Egypt?

you would get killed

What happen to Jews that could not work in Germans concentration camps?

they were killed

What will happen to a baby duck if its alone?

It could get killed by a predator or get lost from the nest.

What are disadvantages of applying pesticides?

You can be killing millions of living things, no matter where you spray the pesticide there are several things that die. Certain other insects are on a plant when you apply a pesticide, and that could kill them and the bad insect. When it rains, the pesticides are carried away with the rain, going to the ocean, polluting the ocean and also killing coral. THere are still millions of other disadvantages of using pesticides.

What is a good hypothesis for insects light vs heat?

A hypothesis is a prediction on what you think will happen. For experiments on insects being attracted to light or heat, a hypothesis could be that insects are attracted to light over heat.