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Countries invaded during World War 1 include:

Serbia (by Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria)

Luxembourg (by Germany)

Belgium (by Germany)

France (by Germany)

Albania (by several countries including Austria and Italy)

Romania (by Bulgaria, Germany, Austria)

Turkey/Ottoman Empire (by UK and France)

German Empire (by Russia)

Austria-Hungary (by Russia and Italy)

South Africa (by Germany)

West Africa (by UK and France)

Russia (by Ottoman Empire)

Greece (by Bulgaria)

Poland (by Germany and Austria)

Lithuania (by Germany)

Ukraine (by Germany)

Italy (by Austria-Hungary)

Estonia (by Germany)

Latvia (by Germany)

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The only one that comes to mind is Gallipoli, Turkey, beginning in March 1915. Most of the infantry consisted of Austrialian troops but this was an Allied operation against the Turks, an ally of Germany. See the link that has highlights of various dates for naval and land operations. * The German colonies in Africa * Mesopotamia * Palestine

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Q: Who did Great Britain invade in World War 1?
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