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Christopher Columbus was sailing for Portugal in search of India looking for great riches and wealth.

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Q: What country did Christopher Columbus sail for and what was he hoping to find?
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Did Benjamin Franklin find our country?

No! It was Christopher Columbus.

What is the country christopher sailed for?

He was hoping to find trade routes to India. Spain

Did Christopher Columbus find Asia or a different country?

Christopher Columbus did not find Asia, although he intended to. He landed on San Salvador, which he thought was part of the West Indies.

What country did Christopher Columbus conquer for?

Christopher Columbus did not conquer any country. Hernando cortés conquerd the Aztecs and Francisco pizzaro conquered the incas. Christoper columbus went out to go and try to find the America's. Instead he found the Asia. He tried to find it but didnt. So Christopher Columbus didn't conquer anyone. 😄

Where did Columbus sail hoping to find a new route to Asia?

To where did Columbus sail hoping to find a new route to Asia?

Where can you find a picture of the flag for Christopher Columbus' country?

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, which is present day Italy. See the related link for a picture of the Genoan flag.

Did Christopher Columbus find new jersey?

No, Christopher Columbus landed in Cuba.

What website has a Christopher Columbus biography on it?

You can find a biography for Christopher Columbus online at the official Biography website. You can find further information about Christopher Columbus online from the Wikipedia website.

When did christopher Columbus find Antarctica?

There is no evidence that Christopher Columbus ever reached Antarctica.

Who did Christopher Columbus exchange with?

The natives of Hispanola. He gave a few trinkets hoping for gold, but they didn't have gold. One man brought him a nugget and lost his hand because Columbus didn't find it enough.

Why he discovered Trinidad?

because Christopher Columbus thought when he settled on this country he would find gold and silver.

What did Christopher Columbus fail to discover?

Christopher Columbus failed to find an alternate route to Asia.