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Q: What country did Dr Edward Jenner invent the smallpox vaccination?
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What did Edward Jenner invented?

the smallpox vaccine.

Who introduced vaccination for smallpox?

Edward Jenner

What was edward Jenner's accomplishment?

He discovered a vaccination for the smallpox

What is the qualification of Edward Jenner?

Dr Edward Jenner's qualification is that he found a vaccination for the deadly disease smallpox.

Why is Edward Jenner famous for medicine?

Edward Jenner performed the first smallpox vaccination and founded the science of immunology.

Who developed the vaccination for smallpox?

Edward Jenner

A person who played a large role in smallpox vaccination was?

It was Edward Jenner.

How did smallpox survive through history?

Edward Jenner made a vaccination out of pus from one of the blisters of a person with smallpox

Where did edward Jenner invent smallpox vaccination?

In a small villiage called Berkely, in Gloucestershire.

Who performed the first vaccination against smallpox with material from a cowpox sore?

edward jenner

How important of the prevention of disease was edward jenners discover of smallpox vaccination?

His discovery led to the eradication of smallpox around the world.

What was the nationality when Dr edward Jenner invented the smallpox vaccination?

well as u know well u probably should know Dr Edward Jenner is from united kingdom