

What country has the largest number of gay males?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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China has the largest population of gay males in the world, however the majority of gay people in China are closeted.

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Q: What country has the largest number of gay males?
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What country has many gay people?

The country with the largest number of gay people is China. However, the majority of gay citizens of China are closeted.

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Does gay refer to males?

The term "gay" can refer to any gender, but most often is applied to gay males.

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There is no such thing as gay products.

Are males gay or heterosexual?

Some males are gay, meaning they are attracted to other males, while others are heterosexual, meaning they are attracted to females. Sexual orientation is a personal characteristic that varies among individuals.

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Brazil. Sao Paulo has the largest gay pride celebration in the world. I've also heard that Toronto has the largest in North America, but I'm sure that's debatable.

What US state has the highest gay population?

The country with the highest gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people is China. While not all countries publish their census data and sexuality is not often a census question, human sexuality is as diverse in every country as it is within the USA. This means that because China is the most populous country in the world, they have the highest homosexual population. California has the highest population in the USA and thus has the highest population of homosexuals.

What country has the highest known gay population in the world?

China has the largest population in the world, and therefore has the largest gay population in the world. However, the majority of LGBT people in China are closeted.

Who is the largest gay icon?

The largest gay icon is Blake Squire.

How many types of gay male are there?

Gay males cannot be categorized into types, just as straight males cannot be categorized into types.

What state has the largest gay population?

California has the largest population. Therefore, it also has the largest gay population.