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Q: What country is located below sea level and is known for its windmills?
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What country is located below sea level and is known for it's windmills?

The Netherlands

What country is below sea level and is known for its windmills?

That would be the Netherlands.

What European country is known for its windmills?


Country known as 'Land of Windmills'?


What European country is known as the land of windmills?


Which country is well-known for its tulips and windmills?

Holland. Also known as the Netherlands.

Where were the black windmills in the film the black windmill?

The Black windmills in the film are Clayton Windmills known as Jack & Jill in Clayton near Hassocks on the south downs

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The city known as Chinon is located in the country of England. The country that is referred to as England is located in an area known as the United Kingdom.

Where is a Dutch person came from?

A Dutch person typically comes from the Netherlands, which is a country located in Northwestern Europe. The Netherlands is known for its tulip fields, windmills, canals, and cycling culture. Dutch is the official language spoken in the Netherlands.

What European nation once used windmills to pump water from fields?

Holland was probably best known for their use of windmills for that purpose.

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Jambi City is located in a country known as Indonesia. Jambi City is located on the island of Sumatra and is known for having an oil and rubber producing centre.

The region located below the stomach is known as?

The umbilical region.