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China, India, Vietnam, Tibet, and many others.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Most Asian countries like Korea, China, and Japan use chopsticks.

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What sentence is chopsticks?

I use chopsticks with my food.

Is chopsticks tradition in Japan?

Yes, the use of chopsticks is customary in Japan.

What is the crane a symbol of in some asian countries?

rice and chopsticks

Is all Japanese food eaten with chopsticks?

Koreans are asians and most asians use chopsticks to eat their food.

What do they use to eat with?


Why did they use chopsticks?

People used chopsticks because they were easy and cheap to produce and buy.

Can you use chopsticks to eat everything?

no... how about soup? unless you have those chopsticks with the spoon ends on them...

Why do Chinese people use chopsticks insted of spoons?

Why do Americans people use spoons insted of chopsticks ? Every place has different custom^.^

How many pairs of chopsticks would you save if you use one pair of reusable chopsticks?

Well how many you would grab use but you just use the same pair.

How do you eat soup with chopsticks?

you don't. you use spoons. Chinese had spoons, but no forks, hence the chopsticks

What do the Chinese use to eat there food?


Can cows use chopsticks?

No, don't be ridiculous.